Our uniform is an essential contributor to the ethos of the school and should be worn in a manner which reflects pride in belonging to Royal Wootton Bassett Academy. Similarly, all students are expected to show a pride in their personal appearance.
RWBA School uniform is affordable, simple, comfortable and smart. Our school uniform supplier is Price & Buckland and can be ordered online.

Please consult this list when purchasing uniform. If uniform worn does not meet ’the acceptable’ description above, students will be sanctioned and you will be required to purchase correct uniform. Where possible students will be issued with ‘spare’ items that belong to the school.
Students and parents may be given a short period of time to purchase acceptable uniform however failure to adhere to the uniform requirements above will result in sanctions for the student.
Persistent breaches of the uniform regulations will be treated as defiant behaviour and sanctioned accordingly.
To see the Sixth Form Dress Code, click here.

RWB Local Youth Network are sadly unable to run a uniform initiative which provided free pre-loved uniform for all schools within Royal Wootton Bassett.
Uniform can be ordered here
If you have uniform to donate, we are still collecting. Please drop it in to our collection box in reception.