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Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication

When logging in to your school account from home, you will need to use Multi-Factor Authentication as an extra level of security. This guide will walk you through the process on how to set up Multi-Factor Authentication for your school account if you have not yet done so.

It is recommended you use a laptop or desktop computer at home when doing this setup process, as you will need to use your mobile device to configure an authenticator app at the same time.

If you have any issues with setting up Multi-Factor Authentication, please speak to  IT Support next time you are in school.

When using your school account to login to websites from outside of school, you need to use Multi Factor Authentication as an extra level of security. This guide will walk you through the process on how to set up Multi Factor Authentication on your school account if you have not yet done so.


It is recommended you use a laptop or desktop computer at home when doing this setup process, as you will need to use your mobile device to set up an authenticator app at the same time.


If you have any issues with setting up Multi Factor Authentication, please speak to your tutor or IT Support next time you are in school.

Step 1 - If you haven't yet set up Multi-Factor Authentication, then you will be prompted to set it up the first time you try to access a website outside of school which requires using your school account. When you see the prompt requiring more information after trying to sign in, click Next


Step 2 - You will be then greeted with two screens, the first will invite you to download the Microsoft Authenticator app on a mobile device. If you don't already have the Microsoft Authenticator app, scan the relevant QR code below with the camera on the mobile device that you want to install the Microsoft Authenticator app on. Once you have the app installed on your device, click Next twice.


N.B if you do not have access to a mobile device, or cannot install apps on your mobile device, please click the
'I want to set up a different method' link at this stage of the setup process. This will allow you to set up Multi-Factor authentication using a telephone number instead.


Step 3 -  A QR code should be displayed on your screen. This will need to be scanned in using the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device.


Step 4 - Launch the Microsoft Authenticator app on your mobile device and click the '+' symbol in the top right of the screen.


Step 5 - Select Work or school account from the options displayed on the next screen in the Microsoft Authenticator app


Step 6 - You will be greeted with a pop-up - select Scan QR code to launch the camera, then scan the QR code on computer.


Step 7 -  Once the QR code has been scanned, it will prompt you to test the link between your school account and the Microsoft Authenticator app you just set up. Click Next and it will display a number. Enter this number on your mobile device in the Authenticator app.


Step 8 -  If entered correctly on your mobile device, you will be greeted with a success screen followed by a confirmation screen that the Multi Factor Authentication has been successfully set up for your school account. You can now proceed to use websites that use your school account in a similar manner how you used them previously; the only difference is that you will be prompted to authenticate your logins using the Microsoft Authenticator app when you try to login in with your school account from outside of school.

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