All students are expected to attend every day and all timetabled sessions.
Year 12 and Year 13 students are expected to attend each day from 8.30.
Students are welcome to attend school from 8.00 every day if they wish.
Tutors will be available every day in their tutor rooms from 8.30 – 9.00 to support students emotionally, academically or to support UCA applications.
During the school day Sixth Form students must stay on school site for all periods of the day but may leave at break and lunchtime.
At all times students must log into the building on entry and exit throughout the day via the kiosks.
Students may leave the school site if they do not have any further commitments that day.
Year 13 Students must attend core iLearn sessions even if they are then followed by study periods.
Failure to attend on time to iLearn will result in truancy call being sent out to parents to explain absence from school.
Dress Code
Students attending RWBA  Sixth  Form are expected to dress in a way that reflects the high standards of our school.  Students in the Sixth  Form have a  ‘SMART CASUAL’  dress code.  All students are expected to follow the dress code and sanctions may be put in place if it is deemed students are inappropriately dressed.  Please see and adhere to the guidance below

Outdoor clothing such as coats and scarves should not be worn when inside the building.
For security reasons, students are expected to wear their school lanyard so it is clearly viable at all times whilst in school.

Ethos and Sixth Form Community
The positive ethos of our school continues on into the Sixth Form where we aim to create an environment based on excellence, dedication and respect. Students will find that they have to take on even more responsibility for their own learning and for the way in which they conduct themselves. All students are expected to maintain high standards of work and behaviour, to be courteous, to take pride in their appearance and in the school environment.
Sixth Form students are expected to be role models for our younger students and lead by example at all times. In return they will experience a much more adult environment where they can thrive with higher levels of trust and responsibility. We expect all students to abide by this code. However, we will take appropriate action against students who display negative behaviour.
We very much look forward to working together with students to achieve their goals and build a successful future. Students should work hard, remain focussed and resilient and make the most of every opportunity offered to them while they are here studying with us.
Sixth Form Student Leadership Team
Every year, Yr 12 students are asked to apply to become part of the Sixth Form Leadership Team. Any student in Yr 12 can apply and write a letter of application stating why they feel they would be a good leader and suggest ways to enhance the experience of all RWBA students. The applicants are then interviewed and take part in an assessment afternoon.
Students are then awarded the role of Head Students, Prefects or Sixth Form ambassadors.​

Contribute to the Academy – give something back
Make a difference – be a role model
Share ideas and experiences
Shape the future
Make a positive impact on the lives of younger student.
Develop leadership skills
Public speaking opportunities
Supports applications, University, employment and further education
Good attendance, punctuality and time-management
Good ‘behaviour for learning’
Team player
The ability to talk confidently and appropriately to students, parents, staff and Governors
Clear judgement
Reliability and trustworthiness
Responsible for raising matters that affect all students and voting on non-educational matters that directly affect them. SSLT members will be required to attend all manner of events as Academy Ambassadors and as such be willing and able to attend after school and in school events.
These may include:
School Parliament meetings
Open Evening
6th Form Open Evenings
Carol Service
Year 6 Induction Evening etc

Attendance and Punctuality
Students are responsible for making sure their individual attendance and punctuality is maintained to the highest level in line with the school attendance and punctuality policy.
Students are expected to sign in and out using their ID badges when arriving or leaving the school premises.
Students are expected to aim for 100% attendance and punctuality. Attendance below 95% may require intervention from the student support manager. In Year 12 Attendance below 70% for the academic year may result in students not continuing into Year 13.
If a student is unable to attend school through illness or for a legitimate or authorised reason, they must a) contact the Academy on the first day of absence, stating a reason for the absence; and b) contact the Academy on each subsequent day of absence.
Students should avoid making non-emergency medical or dental appointments during the school day. Where this is unavoidable but essential parents should notify the school in advance and where possible provide proof of the appointment. Students should not arrange driving lessons during the school day.
Students are expected to attend and be punctual for all lessons, iLearns, assemblies, Personal Development days and all other student commitments.
Students are expected to take responsibility for catching up on any work missed through absence on their return to school. Work will not be sent home if students are not in school due to illness and students should not request work from their teachers to be sent home.
Email for reporting absence: abs@rwba.ascendlearningtrust.org.uk
Academic Expectations
Our Mission
The A Level/BTEC programme of study represents a significant step up from work completed at GCSE. Students are expected to show dedication to their academic studies putting this as a priority above all other out of school commitments, for example part-time jobs and social commitments.
Students are expected to demonstrate resilience and work independently alongside the support provided by the staff in school.
Students are expected to complete all work set in the required time and to the best of their abilities. The work completed is expected to be sufficient to enable students to make progress in the courses they are pursuing.
Students are expected to use study periods in school effectively. The study areas are quiet work areas and students must ensure they use these to work productively and allow others to do so.
Students are expected to complete a significant amount of private study outside of the school at evenings and weekends. It is recommended that students complete a minimum of 5 hours per A level/BTEC subjects per week. I.e.: For every teacher taught lesson students should complete an hour of independent study consolidating or deepening their knowledge.