A group that understands, listens and gives choice to the Students of RWBA. We are a Student Voice for Action so school experiences and learning are improved.
Our school is a community, and as students, we are all citizens of this community. The RWBA Student Parliament believes that all members of the school community should be respectful of others and the school property, and accept and care for one another with the utmost integrity. It is not the number of people, but the values of the community members that make it strong. Only when these values are upheld by the community, can the school be successful and flourish. It is the responsibility of each student to maintain the values and the integrity of the school.
The aim of the Student Parliament is to represent the Student Body in ensuring that the Royal Wootton Bassett Academy is constantly striving to better itself, in all aspects, in a democratic and forward thinking manner.
(All Students) Drive change and improvements within School. Impact – teaches responsibility and thinking through rational and realistic outcomes to problems.
(All Students) Interview new members of staff and members of the LT. Impact – allows students to feel a part of the decision making processes when deciding upon their teaching staff.
(All Students) Observe lessons for potential teaching candidates and feed back into the interview process. Impact – allows students to feel a part of the decision making processes when deciding upon their teaching staff.
(All Students) Create scenarios and situations to assess Student Managers and Support Staff in their interview process. Impact – allows students to feel a part of the decision making processes when deciding upon their teaching staff.
(All Students) Organise Trips for whole Year Groups as rewards and evening events such as Year 7 Disco and BBQ. Impact – allows students to feel responsibility in organising key events and to see that rewards can be engineered by students.