Thank you for your interest in vacancies at
Royal Wootton Bassett Academy.
Royal Wootton Bassett Academy is one of the largest secondary schools in Wiltshire with over 1,800 students aged 11-19. We challenge and inspire pupils to achieve beyond their initial expectations. We aim to equip our students to become global citizens of the future able to make a positive contribution to society and will leave us with the skills necessary for life in an ever-changing, highly technological world.
This outstanding school prepares its students exceptionally well for their future lives. Ofsted 2010. We were judged outstanding in all 27 categories and are rightly proud of the fact we are the only 11-18 school to achieve this under that framework. In November 2013 the Academy was again awarded Outstanding in every category.
We converted to academy status on 1st July 2011 and now need to move beyond outstanding. Teaching and Learning is our highest priority and our success depends on the passion and skills of its staff.
The ethos of the School is based on mutual respect, support and encouragement to bring out the best in people. We recognise that the quality of learning, teaching and behaviour are inseparable issues and that the vast majority of our pupils act in a sensible and appropriate manner and have a keen desire to learn.
It is important, however, that positive standards of behaviour are promoted to all in a manner which is easily understood to which pupils, parents and staff all subscribe. Good order and discipline are essential to the provision of high standards of education.
There are two underlying principles behind this policy:
1. An acknowledgement that we all have rights, and that with such rights come responsibilities to ourselves, others And the School.
2. To be part of a community in which we treat others as we would wish to be treated.
Please read the Home Office Circular, job description and person specification (where applicable) carefully before completing your application form. To download an application form click the button above. When complete, please send the form to us, along with your covering letter addressed to the Headteacher Mrs Anita Ellis. We welcome applications by email –slambourne@rwba.ascendlearningtrust.org.uk and by post.
The Governing Body and staff at the Academy are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff to share in this commitment.
Please note any position that involves working with children requires declaration of ALL convictions/cautions regardless as whether these are deemed as spent and a DBS check will be carried out before any employment commences. References will be obtained before interview at shortlisting stage and may be used in the interview process. If previous employment has included working with children then at least one referee must be from this employment regardless of whether this is the current or most recent employment. Any gaps in employment must be detailed and an explanation provided in the relevant section.
Due to the high number of applications to our school, we are unable to contact everyone who applies. Short listed candidates only will be contacted.
We welcome applications by email
to Mrs Lambourne