Making an application to Royal Wootton Bassett Academy is a very straightforward process and we would be delighted to speak to you about the next steps.
We suggest in the first instance that you contact Mrs Michele Pocock mpocock@rwba.ascendlearningtrust.org.uk or Mrs Josie Stewart jmstewart@rwba.ascendlearningtrust.org.uk to answer any queries regarding Transport, giving you the opportunity to see our Academy as it works and how your child will get to us. The Admissions Team will also be able to answer any questions you may have about the process, to ensure a smooth application.
To view the prospectus click here.
Please contact Mrs Michele Pocock with any questions on 01793 841954. For any trips and transport queries please contact Mrs Josie Stewart on 01793 841970.
Applications for Royal Wootton Bassett Academy Sixth Form can be processed by Mrs Katharine Salmon:
To view our admissions policy click here.
To view Wiltshire Council’s appeal information including appeal dates please click here

If you are intending to apply for a place at this school for September 2025, you should be aware of the following points:
Parents can apply online from 1st September 2024 through www.wiltshire.gov.uk
Details will be available to all Year 6 pupils attending a maintained mainstream Wiltshire school. Forms will also be available from County Hall in Trowbridge – Tel: (01225) 713010 or can be downloaded from their website.
Parents should only use a Wiltshire form if they live within Wiltshire. If they live outside of the County and wish to apply for a Wiltshire school, they should name the School on the form produced by their home authority, e.g. Swindon.
Applications should be used for prospective Year 7 children who have a date of birth between 01/09/2013 and 31/08/2014.
All applications must be received at County Hall before 12 noon on 31st October 2024.
All paper applications will be acknowledged and parents are advised to contact the Customer Care Unit if they have not received their acknowledgement within 15 school days of it being submitted.
Electronic applications are acknowledged by email.
Please note: Proof of application must be provided if parents claim that an application has been lost. This can include proof from the Post Office or a completed receipt from the School Admission Team. Notification date
All parents whose applications were received on or before the deadline date will have their notification letter posted to them first class on 1 March 2025 by the School Admissions Team in Trowbridge
If your child has an Education Health Care Plan, you should contact your SEND case worker as your child’s admission will be handled by the Central SEND Team and not by the School Admissions Team. You cannot apply online or use the common application form.
If you apply after the deadline of noon, 31 October 2024, your application will not be considered until all those applications received before the deadline have been processed. This means that the outcome of your application will not be determined until early May 2024 at the earliest. Only in exceptional circumstances will a late application be considered at the same time as applications received by the deadline of noon, 31 October 2024. Please contact Wiltshire County for the exceptions.
Applications for entry into Years 8-11 only are now made through Wiltshire County even if you live outside of Wiltshire – apply online at www.wiltshire.gov.uk or forms are available from County Hall in Trowbridge – Tel: 01225 713010
Applications for Royal Wootton Bassett Academy Sixth Form can be processed by Mrs Katharine Salmon: (ksalmon@rwba.ascendlearningtrust.org.uk)
You are, of course, welcome to contact the Admissions Team at any time by e-mail or by telephone on 01793 841954 and we look forward to meeting with you when you visit our Academy.