Telephone Reception
01793841900 (Mrs Brown / Mrs Hopkins)
Report student absence
Mrs A Ellis
Chair of Governors
Mrs J Dickson
Opening Hours
Reception is open from 8:15am till 4:00pm
If you would like to request a paper copy of any information on our website, please email admin@rwba.ascendlearningtrust.org.uk

Royal Wootton Bassett Academy
Lime Kiln
Royal Wootton Bassett
Swindon, SN4 7HG
For Parents or Carers of students in Year 6 transferring to RWBA in September: 01793 841954 Mrs Pocock.
For Students in the Sixth Form (Years 12-13): 01793 841905 Mrs Salmon.
For support with the Parents’ Information Portal, please email portal@rwba.ascendlearningtrust.org.uk
SENCO: Mrs McMullin smcmullin@rwba.ascendlearningtrust.org.uk
Chair of Governors: jdickson@rwba.ascendlearningtrust.org.uk
The school grounds are owned by RWBA but leased to the PFI company. Imagile Infrastructure Management.
Ascend Learning Trust: info@ascendlearningtrust.org.uk