Child Development


This is the ideal course for learners wanting to study in the context of the early year’s sector. The course will help you to develop essential
knowledge of Child Development and the Play and Learning Curriculum used throughout the sector. Skills prized by employers will be
developed and enhanced such as working from a prescribed brief, working to deadlines and presenting information effectively. You will
need to have a passion to work with children and young people to study this course.

Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6
Year 10

Unit 1 Patterns of child development

Unit 2 Promoting children’s development through play.
Understanding how play promotes children’s development in early year settings

Unit 2 Understanding how different play opportunities promote children’s development

Unit 2 Understand how play is structured in early years settings

Year 11

Learning aim A.  Understand the importance of the inclusive practice

Learning aim B.  Explore ways in which the early years settings implement inclusive practice

Learning aim C.  Understand how children are empowered in early years settings

Learning aim D.  Understand the importance of the key person approach in supporting behaviour

Exam season